
本《用户服务协议》(以下简称“本协议”)是由您(以下称为“用户”)与穗子商业管理有限公司就其和/或其关联公司(以下称为“穗子”或“穗子游戏”) 在Lami Mahjong Game游戏上所提供的产品和服务(包括穗子的网站以及穗子现在正在提供和将来可能向用户提供的游戏服务和其他网络服务,以下统称为“产品和服务”)所订立的协议。








1.1. 穗子产品和服务的具体内容由穗子根据实际情况提供,例如网络游戏、手机软件、论坛(BBS)、聊天室、电子邮件等。穗子保留随时变更、中断或终止部分或全部产品和服务的权利。

1.2. 穗子在提供产品和服务时,可能会对部分用户收取一定的费用。在此情况下,相关页面上会有明确的提示。如用户不同意支付该等费用,可选择不接受相应的产品和服务。

1.3. 穗子通过服务器端设备接入互联网为用户提供产品和服务,除此之外与产品和服务有关的设备(如电脑、手机、调制解调器及其他与接入互联网有关的装置)及所需的费用(如为接入互联网而支付的电话费及上网费)均应由用户自行负担。

1.4. 用户应使用正版软件接受产品和服务,软件费用由用户自行负担。


2.1. 如果用户选择通过“快速游戏”、“游客”或其他类似便捷模式(下称“游客模式”),在未注册穗子账号的前提下快速登录并进行游戏体验的,请用户登录后及时绑定Apple id;如用户未绑定Apple id的,则在游客模式下可能无法进行游戏充值或消费,且一旦用户选择卸载、重装穗子的产品或游戏软件的,或用户的移动智能设备、电脑损坏导致产品或游戏软件无法正常启动的,用户在游客模式下的全部游戏数据、游戏记录等内容将无法查询、恢复。如因此造成用户任何损失的,均由用户自行承担。


3.1. 本协议第三条所描述的注册信息,以及用户在使用产品和服务时存储在穗子控制范围内的非公开信息(以下合称“用户信息”),应按照本条约定进行披露及保护。

3.2. 为了向用户提供更好的产品和服务,在用户自愿选择使用穗子的产品和服务的情况下,或者明示同意提供信息的情况下,穗子可能会收集用户信息,并可能对这些信息进行分析和整合。在用户使用穗子的产品和服务时,服务器可能会自动记录部分用户信息,这些信息都将成为穗子商业秘密的一部分。

3.3. 保护用户(特别是未成年人用户)的隐私是穗子的一项基本原则。穗子一贯积极地采取技术与管理等方面的合理措施保障用户信息的安全、保密。

3.4. 除本条所列下述情形之外,穗子保证不对外公开或向第三方披露、提供用户信息。但以下情形除外:


3.5. 为了向用户正常地提供产品和服务,穗子可能需要向穗子的技术服务商、穗子的关联公司或其他第三方传送部分用户信息,在这些第三方承诺其具有合法经营资质并将承担至少与穗子同等的保密义务的前提下,穗子将向这些第三方传送用户信息,用户对此予以理解和同意。

3.6. 在不透露单个用户隐私资料的前提下,穗子有权对整个用户信息数据库进行技术分析并对已进行分析、整理后的用户数据库进行商业上的利用。

3.7. 穗子将采取行业内通用的、合理可行的方式保护用户的个人信息的安全。穗子使用通常可以获得的安全技术和程序来保护用户的个人信息不被未经授权地访问、使用或泄漏,包括但不限于:防火墙和数据备份措施;数据中心的访问权限限制;对移动终端的识别性信息进行加密处理等。


4.1. 用户可以根据本协议以及穗子不时公布和变更的其他规则使用穗子提供的产品和服务。

4.2. 用户可以自愿选择通过手机绑定穗子提供的页面,从而在第一时间获得穗子提供的游戏活动、优惠信息等内容。

4.3. 用户有权在使用穗子提供的产品和服务期间监督穗子及穗子的工作人员是否按照穗子所公布的规则向用户提供产品和服务,也可以随时向穗子提出与产品和服务有关的意见和建议。

4.4. 如果用户不同意本协议条款,或对穗子后续修改、更新的条款有异议,或对穗子所提供的产品和服务不满意,用户可以随时选择停止使用穗子的产品和服务。 如果用户选择停止使用穗子的产品和服务,穗子不再对用户承担任何义务和责任。


5.1. 用户同意按照包括本协议在内的、穗子不时发布或变更的各类规则规范自己的行为,从而接受并使用穗子的产品和服务。用户对登录后其所持账号产生的行为依法享有权利和承担责任。 用户进一步同意,在违反这些规则时,将按照本协议第六条第14款、第15款、第十四条及其他相关条款的规定承担违规后果和违约责任。

5.2. 用户在使用穗子账号期间,须遵守与互联网信息发布相关的法律、法规及通常适用的互联网一般道德和礼仪的规范,用户将自行承担用户所发布的信息内容产生的全部责任。用户发布的任何信息(包括但不限于名称、言论等),不得包含以下内容:


5.3. 牟取不正当利益行为处理规则





6.1. 本协议的订立、效力、解释、履行及争议解决适用中华人民共和国法律。如果本协议的任何内容与法律相抵触,应以法律规定为准。

6.2. 本协议的任何条款部分或全部无效的,不影响其它条款的效力。

6.3.穗子需要向用户发送的任何通知、公告、声明、提醒等均可以通过穗子官网(https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070620558015 )公告、电子邮件、页面公告、电话或其他穗子认为合适的方式进行发送。如本协议内容条款变更、穗子提供的产品或服务内容/方式变更、或其他重要通知等,穗子将会以上述形式向用户发送通知。通知一经发送即视为送达,用户应及时查看相关内容。

Terms of service

This User Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is the agreement between you (hereinafter referred to as the "User") and Suizi Business Management Co., Ltd. and/or its affiliates (hereinafter referred to as "Suizi" or "Suizi Game"). ”) The products and services provided on the Lami Mahjong Game game (including Suizi’s website, game services and other network services that Suizi is now providing and may provide to users in the future, hereinafter collectively referred to as “products and services”) entered into. protocol.

Important notice

1. This agreement is signed and takes effect on the day when the user obtains and uses the products and services of Suizi game. The conclusion, performance, interpretation and dispute resolution of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China and shall exclude the application of all other conflicting laws. The place where this agreement is concluded and performed is the location of [Suizi Commercial Management Co., Ltd.]. If the two parties have any disputes (including but not limited to disputes over contracts or other property rights and interests) over the content of this agreement or its implementation, the two parties should negotiate amicably to resolve them; if the negotiation fails, both parties agree to hand over the dispute to the place where [Suizi Commercial Management Co., Ltd.] is located. The people's court with jurisdiction shall govern and deal with it.

2. Please read the contents of this agreement carefully (especially the contents in bold font). If the user does not agree with any content of this agreement, please do not register or use any products and services provided by Suizi. If the user enters the registration process and ticks "I have read and agree to the user service agreement and privacy agreement", it means that the user and Suizi have reached an agreement and voluntarily accept all the contents of this agreement and the "User Privacy Agreement". After that, the user shall not make any form of defense for not reading/agreeing to the contents of this agreement and the "User Privacy Agreement". Unless otherwise expressly stated, any services provided by Suizi are bound by this Agreement.

3. Please note that Suizi may modify and update this agreement in due course, and the user agrees to check the latest version of this agreement at any time. Please read and understand this Agreement carefully before using Suizi's products (or services) to ensure that you are always aware of the latest version of this Agreement. If the user does not agree or accept the terms of this agreement, please do not continue to use the products and services provided by Suizi Games, otherwise it is deemed that the user agrees to accept the revised content of this agreement.

4. Spike Games especially reminds users to read all the terms of this agreement carefully, especially the clauses that exempt or limit the responsibility of Spike Games (these terms usually contain words such as "not responsible", "non-guarantee") and terms that limit the rights of users (These terms usually contain words such as "must not", "should not", "not allowed", "prohibited", etc.), application of law and dispute resolution clauses, these clauses shall be applied to the maximum extent permitted by Chinese law, Such terms are usually marked in bold font.

5. If the user is under the age of 17+, please read this agreement accompanied by a legal guardian, and pay special attention to the terms of use for minors. If the minor continues to use the games and services provided by Suizi Games, it is deemed that the minor user has obtained the legal guardian's act of enjoying the games and services provided by Suizi Games, paying fees to Suizi Games, and all the terms of this agreement. consent.

1. Service Content

1.1. The specific content of Suizi products and services is provided by Suizi according to the actual situation, such as online games, mobile software, forums (BBS), chat rooms, emails, etc. Suizi reserves the right to change, discontinue or terminate some or all of its products and services at any time.

1.2. Suizi may charge some users a certain fee when providing products and services. In this case, there is a clear indication on the relevant page. If the user does not agree to pay such fees, he may choose not to accept the corresponding products and services.

1.3. Suizi provides products and services to users by accessing the Internet through server-side equipment, in addition to equipment related to products and services (such as computers, mobile phones, modems and other devices related to Internet access) and the required fees (such as telephone charges and Internet access charges paid for accessing the Internet) shall be borne by the user.

1.4. The user should use the genuine software to accept the products and services, and the software fee shall be borne by the user.

2. Account name and password

2.1. If the user chooses to use the "quick game", "tourist" or other similar convenient modes (hereinafter referred to as "tourist mode") to quickly log in and experience the game without registering a Suizi account, please log in and bind the game in time. If the user does not bind the Apple id, the game recharge or consumption may not be possible in the guest mode, and once the user chooses to uninstall or reinstall Suizi’s products or game software, or the user’s mobile smart device, computer If the product or game software cannot be started normally due to damage, all game data and game records of the user in the guest mode will not be queried and restored. Any loss caused to the user shall be borne by the user.

3. Information disclosure and protection

3.1. The registration information described in Article 3 of this Agreement, as well as the non-public information (hereinafter collectively referred to as "User Information") that users store within the control of Suizi when using products and services, shall be disclosed and protected in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.

3.2. In order to provide users with better products and services, if the user voluntarily chooses to use Suizi's products and services, or expressly agrees to provide information, Suizi may collect user information and may analyze such information and integration. When users use Suizi's products and services, the server may automatically record some user information, which will become part of Suizi's trade secrets.

3.3. Protecting the privacy of users (especially minor users) is a basic principle of Suizi. Suizi has always actively taken reasonable measures in terms of technology and management to ensure the security and confidentiality of user information.

3.4. Except for the following situations listed in this article, Suizi guarantees that it will not disclose or provide user information to the outside world or to third parties. Except in the following cases:

(1) The user (or the user's guardian) requests or agrees to Suizi to disclose user information;
(2) Relevant laws and regulations require Suizi to disclose user information;
(3) Judicial or administrative authorities require Suizi to disclose user information based on legal procedures;
(4) In order to protect Suizi's legitimate rights and interests (intellectual property rights and other rights and interests), it is necessary to disclose user information when filing lawsuits or arbitrations against users;
(5) In order to protect the interests of other users and the public in emergency situations, it is necessary to disclose user information;
(6) According to other provisions of this agreement, Suizi Games deems it necessary to disclose other circumstances of user information.

3.5. In order to provide products and services to users normally, Suizi may need to transmit some user information to Suizi's technical service providers, Suizi's affiliates or other third parties, where these third parties promise that they have legal business qualifications and will undertake at least the same On the premise of the same confidentiality obligations of Suizi, Suizi will transmit user information to these third parties, and users understand and agree to this.

3.6. On the premise of not disclosing the private information of a single user, Suizi has the right to conduct technical analysis on the entire user information database and make commercial use of the analyzed and sorted user database.

3.7. Suizi will take common and reasonably feasible methods in the industry to protect the security of users' personal information. Suizi uses commonly available security technologies and procedures to protect users' personal information from unauthorized access, use or leakage, including but not limited to: firewalls and data backup measures; data center access restrictions; The identification information is encrypted, etc.

4. Basic rights of users

4.1. Users can use the products and services provided by Suizi in accordance with this Agreement and other rules announced and changed by Suizi from time to time.

4.2. Users can voluntarily choose to bind the page provided by Suizi through their mobile phone, so as to obtain the game activities, preferential information and other content provided by Suizi in the first time.

4.3. Users have the right to supervise whether Suizi and its staff provide users with products and services in accordance with the rules announced by Suizi during the use of the products and services provided by Suizi, and can also provide opinions and suggestions related to products and services to Suizi at any time. .

4.4. If the user does not agree with the terms of this agreement, or has any objection to the terms of Suizi's subsequent modification or update, or is dissatisfied with the products and services provided by Suizi, the user can choose to stop using Suizi's products and services at any time. If the user chooses to stop using Suizi's products and services, Suizi no longer assumes any obligations and responsibilities to the user.

5. User Code of Conduct

5.1. The user agrees to regulate his own behavior in accordance with various rules, including this agreement, that Suizi publishes or changes from time to time, so as to accept and use Suizi's products and services. The user shall have the rights and assume the responsibilities according to the law for the behavior of the account he holds after logging in. The user further agrees that in the event of violation of these rules, the user will be liable for the consequences of violation and breach of contract in accordance with the provisions of Article 6, paragraph 14, Article 15, Article 14 and other relevant provisions of this Agreement.

5.2. During the use of the Suizi account, the user must abide by the laws and regulations related to the release of Internet information and the norms of general Internet ethics and etiquette that are generally applicable, and the user will bear all the responsibility for the content of the information published by the user. Any information posted by users (including but not limited to names, remarks, etc.) shall not contain the following content:

(1) Violating the basic principles established by the Constitution;
(2) Endangering national security, divulging state secrets, subverting state power, and undermining national unity;
(3) Damage to national honor and interests;
(4) Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, or undermining ethnic unity;
(5) Those who undermine the state's religious policy and promote cults and feudal superstitions;
(6) Spreading rumors, disrupting social order and undermining social stability;
(7) Spreading obscene, pornographic, gambling, violent, homicide, terrorist information or instigating crimes;
(8) Insulting, slandering or maliciously attacking others by directly or indirectly using words, homophones, and diacritics that violate social order, good customs and morals, and infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of others;
(9) Infringes the intellectual property, copyright or public/private rights of any third party;
(10) Violating social morality, humanistic morality, and customs;
(11) Disrupting the normal order of the game, affecting game operation and data analysis;
(12) Contains other content prohibited by laws and administrative regulations;
(13) Contains other content that violates public order and good morals, harms others or public interests.

5.3. Rules for Handling Unjustified Benefit Behaviors

The user promises not to engage in game behavior or trade virtual items for the purpose of profit, and any case of engaging in game behavior or trading virtual items for the purpose of profit will be deemed to seek illegitimate benefits, including but not limited to the user:

(1) Register multiple Spike accounts and/or game character IDs, and play games for the purpose of profit;
(2) Engage in single or series output gameplay in the game, and sell the obtained virtual items for profit;
(3) Take advantage of the difference in the value of virtual items on different servers to profit from buying and selling virtual items on different servers;
(4) Acting as a game account and virtual item trading intermediary to collect fees for profit;
(5) Profit from trading Suizi accounts or virtual items on trading platforms that are not provided or recognized by Sui’s subsidiaries;
(6) Using game behavior and game content to organize or participate in gambling, committing or participating in the theft of other people's property or virtual items and other suspected illegal and criminal acts;
(7) Any other in-game profit-making behavior that is not for the purpose of normal game entertainment interaction needs.

5.4. If the user violates the user code of conduct described in this article, Suizi also has the right to require the violating user to bear the liability for breach of contract to Suizi, including but not limited to restoring the original state, eliminating the impact, and causing direct and indirect losses to Suizi or additional costs. Compensation, and after Suizi first bears the responsibility for administrative penalties or infringement damages caused by the violation of the user's behavior, Suizi can claim compensation from the violating user.

6. Other agreements

6.1. The conclusion, validity, interpretation, performance and dispute resolution of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. If any content of this agreement conflicts with the law, the law shall prevail.

6.2. The partial or total invalidity of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity of other provisions.

6.3. Any notifications, announcements, statements, reminders, etc. that Suizi needs to send to users can be accessed through Suizi’s official website (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070620558015 ) Announcements, e-mails, page announcements, telephone calls or other methods that Suizi deems appropriate to send. If the content of this agreement is changed, the content/method of the products or services provided by Suizi is changed, or other important notices, Suizi will send a notification to the user in the above form. Once the notification is sent, it will be deemed delivered, and the user should check the relevant content in time.